September 29, 2006

i hope joe hears this

Hey Girardi: if you get fired in a few days, you should come back to the Bronx.  We still love you.

September 28, 2006

pedro exits

A setback for Pedro?

Pedro Martinez is injured and unable to start in the playoffs. The Mets do not have enough strong starters to ensure victory in a 7-game series.

Some might call me greedy for what I am about to say. Go right ahead.

Everything is lining up for the Yankees this postseason. They're going to win it all.

September 25, 2006

trevor hoffman

What do you think about Trevor Hoffman setting the all-time saves record?  Is it a good thing for the game, or does it unnecessarily take the spotlight away from the dominance of Mariano Rivera?

Individual stats are one thing, and will be remembered for many years to come.  But the goal of playing baseball games is to win not only games, but championships.  San Diego is limping in to the playoffs in the weak NL west.  I expect them to be eliminated early.

A dominant closer is a good tool, but not when the toolbox is made of paper.

September 24, 2006


Freaking Mussina hurt his thumb and Jaret Wright might be the 4th starter during the playoffs?  Yes, I'm having a bad day!

September 11, 2006

magic 10

Well, it's all downhill from here.

September 08, 2006

the rest is magic

The Yankees vs. Baltimore at the same time as the Red Sox vs. Kansas City.  Let's do this right and maintain our commanding lead in the east.

I see four regular Yankee starters coming to the hill for this series, and it brings me relief.  The rookies have been throwing great, but it is the veterans that will have to do all the heavy lifting during the playoffs.  We need Cory Lidle ready.  We need Mike Mussina full-steam ahead.

I'm not too worried about Wang and Johnson during this series.

September 06, 2006

finishing the royals with force

Randy and Posada stole the show in the final game in Kansas City.  Randy threw a no-hitter through the first six innings; A-Rod was intentionally walked before Posada twice, and both times, Posada took the ball out of the field.

Rest up for October, Mariano.

September 04, 2006

boston faced with early exit

Hey!  A-Rod is swinging his bat with great effect.  I applaud his efforts.  

However, I want to see Jeter win the season MVP award.

The Red Sox have three games in Chicago.  This should be the last nail in the coffin for Boston, as the Yankees have three games in Kansas City.  Everyone can anticipate the outcome at this point.